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Run Disney Virtual Running Shorts Race (2017)

Remember last year when I participated in Disney Virtual Running Shorts Race?  Well it was so popular they sold out and decided to bring it back this year.  Last year I only participated in 1 of the 3 events but I think this year I will participate in all 3.

What is the Virtual Running Shorts?  Basically it is your chance to participate in a Run Disney 5k race at your own pace and location.  Instead of waking up before 5am in the morning and standing in a very crowded area waiting for the race to start; you get to do the race wherever you choose.  That means if you live far from a Disney Park you can walk the race in your own neighborhood.  You can go at your own pace too.  You can walk/run the 3.1 mile all at one time or break the race up by over the course of the month.

This year the theme is Hot Diggety-Dog.  You are encouraged to bring your own dog on your course with you if you have one or run solo if you prefer.   There are 3 separate Virtual Running Short Races and you can choose to participate in any or all 3 if you'd like.  You have 1 month to complete each separate 5k and the race months are June, July and August.  At the end of the event you will be mailed your medal for the month that you signed up for. Each month has a different themed medal.  

2016 medal

If you pre-register for all 3 races you get a few bonus items in addition to the medals (coolcore towel, race bib, certificate, commemorative dog tag and collapsible bowl).  Run Disney will be making a charitable donation to Pet Alliance of greater Orlando.  Registration opens April 11th, 2017 and is $40 individually or $142 or all 3.  Don't wait too long to sign up because they will sell out with in a few days after registration opens.

Will you be participating in the 
Run Disney Virtual Running Shorts Race 
this year?